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Nixon has recently announced an incredibly exciting collaboration with the Rolling Stones. The band is often hailed as one of the most influential and pioneering bands of all time. The Nixon X Rolling Stones watches are limited edition and are sure t

Nixon Watches

Authorised retailer for Nixon Watches. Nixon has been the premium lifestyle accessory brand of choice for independents, creatives, and free-thinkers the world over. What co- founders Chad DiNenna and Andy Laats started in Encinitas, California as a boutique line of watches exclusively sold at board sports and fashion retailers is now a full range of watches, bags, leather goods, and accessories.

Nixon Brand History

Nixon was established in 1998 by co-founders Chad DiNenna and Andy Laats. They wanted to provide free-thinkers and nonconformists with a fresh take on premium lifestyle accessories. Now more than 20 years later Nixon has expanded their portfolio and into not only fashion but also watches. The brand’s products are available in over 90 countries. Nixon’s vision for their future has been reflected throughout the brand’s short yet impressive history. With a special focus on sustainability, style and collaboration, it is no surprise that Nixon has managed to sweep the world by storm.

Nixon Style

It would be an understatement to say that Nixon has its own style. Through a fascinating combination of collaborating with designers and the people the watches are meant for, Nixon has managed to achieve something very little brands have - true individuality. Professionals, athletes, and designers are all involved in the creation of the projects which leads to watches that truly serve their wearer. Understanding the importance of the conservation of the Earth’s natural resources, the brand realises and accepts its responsibility. Four of its best- selling models are made of recycled plastic material. This is Nixon’s first step to ensuring their fight against water pollution.

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