Guides / Jewellery

10 Pros and Cons of Emeralds

Emeralds are one of the four gemstones that can be classified as ‘precious’. They are well-known for their captivating green colour, which makes them a popular choice in many pieces of jewellery. Like any other gemstone, emerald has pros and cons, so we have put together this list to help you decide if emerald is the gemstone for you. Emeralds greatly complement both yellow and white gold. Their classic and luxurious nature make them a sought out choice for jewellery makers and wearers alike. If you are looking to buy a piece of jewellery that features this gorgeous gemstone, keep reading for our 10 pros and cons of emeralds.

10 Pros and Cons of Emeralds

Pro: Emeralds have a unique beauty

This deeply mesmerising gemstone has a striking colour that is unmatched in its beauty. Emeralds get their green colour from trace amounts of chromium, vanadium and iron. The presence or absence of each and their relative amounts determine the exact colour of an emerald crystal. Even though they are typically a vibrant green, emeralds occur in hues ranging from yellow-green to blue-green. All of them are extremely beautiful and add to the gemstone’s timeless allure.

Con: Most emeralds have inclusions

Genuine emeralds often come with flaws and blemishes – more commonly known as inclusions. These are natural imperfections that occur during the formation of the gemstone. While the trade generally accepts eye-visible inclusions in higher-quality emeralds, if they are seen to have a negative effect on transparency and clarity, the value of the gemstone will dramatically reduce.

Pro: Emeralds have a strong metaphysical meaning

The metaphysic properties of emeralds are said to enhance intuition and psychic abilities. This allows individuals to gain insights into their spiritual journey and the many mysteries of the universe. As well as this, the stone is believed to aid in emotional healing. The tranquil energy of emeralds is said to alleviate stress, anxiety and depression. Emerald is also revered for its harmonising energies. It is believed to balance the heart and the mind, fostering a sense of emotional equilibrium.

Con: When not worn correctly, it can have incredibly negative effects

Emeralds are widely known for their healing and spiritual properties. However, when worn incorrectly they can cause great mayhem in both your personal and professional life. It is important to acknowledge what characteristics you adopt, and then check if you can wear emerald without it having any negative effects on you. One of the biggest ill effects of embracing this gemstone is that it can cause immense stress to the wearer. Therefore, if your concentration level and mental balance are good, you should avoid wearing emeralds.

Pro: Emeralds are durable enough for everyday wear

Despite their delicate appearance, emeralds are a durable gem that can be worn every day. They measure 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale, so they have fair to good hardness and their levels of colour stability are great. The only thing that lets emeralds down is their toughness; they are brittle due to their inclusions. However, they are still quite resistant to scratches and chipping. This means you can wear emeralds daily and not have to worry about them getting damaged. Instead, you can just focus on how gorgeous they look.

Con: Emeralds are still relatively fragile

Even though emeralds are durable enough for daily wear, they still have elements of fragility. The gemstone can crack or chip if subjected to rough treatment, and this is due to its abundance of inclusions. To preserve this brilliance, handling with care and regular cleaning is essential. Moreover, it is important to realise that even the strongest of gemstones can crack or chip. This is not something specific to emerald but it certainly needs to be remembered when thinking about purchasing the gemstone.

Pro: Emeralds are a great choice for engagement rings

Emeralds are a unique, interesting and beautiful option for an engagement ring for your special someone. While they are not your traditional gemstone choice, emeralds actually signify enduring love. They also provide hope for a beautiful future filled with passion and love. So if you propose with an emerald engagement ring, you and your partner are more likely to have a blissful marital life.

Con: Emeralds are hard to cut

The cutter must consider the gemstone’s depth of colour, durability and inclusions when making cutting decisions. Mistakes cause weight loss, which significantly reduces the value of the emerald. Four characteristics of emeralds make them difficult to cut. These are the amount of significant fractures; the brittle nature of the gemstone; the fact the cut can affect colour; and the dichroism of many emeralds encouraging the cutter to orient the table.

Pro: Emeralds bring good luck and fortune

Even when you start to lose hope, an emerald can bring you immense luck and fortune. The gemstone is closely associated with the planet Mercury. So, when life presents you with challenges, you can overcome every obstacle by wearing an emerald. Emeralds are also considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. It is believed that wearing this gemstone can bring both financial success and abundance; something we all want to have in life.

Con: You have to be compatible with the gemstone in order to wear it

It is believed that if the wrong person wears an emerald, it can bring them bad luck. People whose zodiac signs are not compatible with Mercury must avoid wearing emeralds; these are Scorpio, Aries and Cancer. No matter how eye-catching the gorgeous green gemstone is, these individuals must refrain from embracing it. If they do choose to wear emeralds, they will face consequences in both their personal and professional life. Therefore, it is important to check your compatibility with the gemstone before making any purchase decisions.

If you are searching for the perfect piece of emerald jewellery, click here to browse the selection on our website.

What did you think of our 10 pros and cons of emeralds? Are you going to add a piece of emerald jewellery to your collection? Let us know in the comments!

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