History / News

St. David’s Day 2017

Welsh Flag

How do we celebrate St David’s Day?

St. David’s Day has always been celebrated by the people of Wales and those of Welsh origin. It is the celebration of the life of their patron saint, St David and the Welsh culture. It is held on the 1st March every year. Many people pin a daffodil or leek to their clothes to remember him and some adults buy mainly children, wear traditional costumes.

Is St David’s Day a bank holiday?

Despite it being the celebration of St Davids life all pushes so far to make St. David’s Day a bank holiday have been rejected by the British Government which baffles some as the United Kingdom, Scotland and Northern Ireland have public holidays for their patron saints, but England and Wales do not.

St David

Who was Saint David?

Saint David was a Welsh bishop of Mynyw (now St Davids) during the 6th century. He is the patron saint of Wales and was a native of Wales. A relatively large amount of information is known about his life for example he became renowned as a teacher and preacher, founding monastic settlements and churches in Wales,

Why do the Welsh wear leeks?

The Leek is a very strange thing to pin to your clothing in memory of a Saint however it does have a meaning. The story goes that on the eve of the battle against the Saxons St David advised the Britons to wear leeks in their helmet or clothes so as to easily distinguish friend from foe during the fight. It worked and helped to secure the victory. Today Welsh people around the world wear leeks on St David’s Day.


Google like to revamp their logo when an annual celebration or special event comes along which they have done for St Davids day and we love it!

st davids day

In honour of St David we have listed a few watches that have the welsh colours in.
















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