Guides / Jewellery

How to Take Care of Gold Jewellery

How to Take Care of Gold Jewellery

Gold jewellery has become a very big trend in the fashion world this year. However, as this is a new investment for a lot of people many but not know the best routines to care for their beautiful jewellery. When purchasing luxury pieces of jewellery, it is vital that they are properly taken care of. Gold jewellery will last a lifetime if it is cared for. This guide on how to take care of gold jewellery will offer our three best tips on how to ensure that your jewellery looks beautiful for decades to come.

Gold tones have truly come to the forefront in recent months. From delicate chains to bold hoop earrings, these accessories have been seen on the catwalks and high streets. Gold jewellery is a constant staple in any jewellery collection and makes a very worthwhile investment for anyone seeking to add a touch of luxury to their everyday rotation.

Our Tips on How to Take Care of Gold Jewellery

1. Know when to remove your jewellery

How to Take Care of Gold Jewellery

Gold is one of the more resistant metals that jewellery can be made from, but it does have its limits. Overexposure to chemicals, oils and products can damage the metal and dull its shine. Over time, this will lead to the jewellery not looking its best. The same things have the potential to damage gemstones, so the same is true for gemstone-set jewellery. It is recommended by jewellers that gold jewellery be removed before showering, swimming and prior to any contact with chemicals. It is also advised that gold rings ought to be removed before any activities or jobs that are hard on the hands.

2. Regularly clean it

How to Take Care of Gold Jewellery

As with any jewellery, it is important to keep gold jewellery clean. This is primarily to ensure that it maintains its beautiful shine. However, it is also to ensure that no damage comes to the metal. Gold is unlikely to tarnish but it is best to keep any dulling at bay. A purpose-made gold cleaning cloth can be used to clean your jewellery. These are very easy to use and can be purchased from most high street jewellers. If dirt is more stubborn, it can be removed using soapy water and a soft toothbrush. If the item of jewellery is soaked in warm soapy water prior to cleaning, the dirt will become far easier to remove. However, before beginning this process it is always best to check that the soap is safe to use on gold jewellery.

An alternative way to clean your jewellery is to take it to your local jewellers. Here, the jewellery will be professionally cleaned and polished to perfection. A jeweller will also be able to check the clasps and settings of your jewellery to ensure that everything is secure. Gemstone settings can become loose over time, so it is important to have them checked and repaired.

3. Store your jewellery properly

How to Take Care of Gold Jewellery

This is especially true for people who do not wear their jewellery every day. Gold jewellery does not like to be exposed to the elements. It is best kept in a cool and dry location. Many experts recommend that gold jewellery is kept in soft pouches or boxes to prevent any scratches or damage from occurring. It is best that each piece of jewellery is kept in its own space so that the pieces do not damage each other. If a piece of gold jewellery is going to be stored for a long period of time, it should be thoroughly cleaned before being put away.

Many jewellery collectors like to make a feature of their jewellery storage. This can be done using decorative jewellery boxes or chic and modern jewellery stands. By doing this, a collector can enjoy the precious pieces in their collection even when they are not wearing them.

If you are searching for a new piece of gold jewellery to add to your collection, click here to browse it on our website.

What did you learn from this guide on how to take care of gold jewellery? Do you have any of your own tips to share? Let us know in the comments!

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